Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (2024)

Last updated on Jul 31, 2024 at 00:00by Argen1 comment

Red Mage is a magical ranged DPS job in Final Fantasy XIV that casts spells to generate mana that theychannel into their rapier to unleash powerful melee combos with strong finisher spells. Red Mage can be unlockedin Ul'dah after reaching level 50 and owning the Stormblood expansion.


What is Red Mage's Playstyle?

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (1)Red Mage is a magical DPS that primarily does damage by casting spells to build up its Black and White Mana gauges to 50|50,and then spends that mana to use an enchanted melee combo with powerful finisher spells. Compared to other DPS jobs,Red Mage stands out for its excellent utility which includes unique party buffs and clutch recovery spells.

In its casting phase, Red Mage takes advantage of its trait Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (2) Dualcast,which makes every other spell an instant cast and grants Red Mage unique mobility in between casts.Upon building enough Black and White Mana, Red Mage will spend these resources doing a melee combo comprised ofthree melee weaponskills followed by three strong instant-cast finisher spells. The core of Red Mage gameplay ismaximizing the number of melee combos across a fight while properly utilizing various oGCDs for damage and mobility.

What Red Mage is historically known for in Final Fantasy, however, is its ability to bolster its damagewith supportive abilities that help its party. Examples of this include Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (3) Magick Barrier, Red Mage's raidwideparty mitigation and healing buff. It can also use Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (4) Verraise to assist healers with raises in relevantsituations, in addition to Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (5) Vercure, which Red Mage can use during downtime or in progression scenarios tohelp keep itself and its party alive.

Red Mage is an intuitive job that is easy to learn and great forbeginners, but it also has a higher level ofoptimization available for people who enjoy job depth.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (6)Strengths

  • Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (7)Intuitive rotation makes it simple to pick up.
  • Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (8)Excellent party support abilities.
  • Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (9)Dynamic playstyle allows for a lot of freedom to adjust around encounter design and killtime.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (10)Weaknesses

  • Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (11)Somewhat restrictive movement that requires planning for certain raid mechanics and melee combos.
  • Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (12)Lack of self-mitigation makes it the most fragile caster.


How do you Unlock Red Mage?

Red Mage can be unlocked once you have reached level 50 with a Disciple of War orMagic job and have access to the Stormblood expansion. Once you meet these requirements,the quest to unlock the job, "Taking the Red," can be found in Ul'dah in the Steps of Thal(x:14,2, y:11,8). Completing this quest will reward you with the Red Mage job stone, andyou will begin as a level 50 Red Mage.

The Balance Gauge displays your current levels of Black Mana and White Mana.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (13)

During your casting phase, you take advantage of Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (14) Dualcast to generate manafrom spells (the sequence and priorities will be covered in the rotation section). Black Mana is generated bycasting Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (15) Verthunder III, Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (16) Verfire, or Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (17) Verthunder II. White Mana is generatedby casting Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (18) Veraero III, Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (19) Verstone, or Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (20) Veraero II.Casting Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (21) Jolt III, Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (22) Impact, and Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (23) Grand Impact will generateboth Black and White Mana. While casting these spells, you must keep the amount of Black Mana and White Manawithin 30 of each other, signified by the red crystal at the top of the gauge. If yourmana becomes unbalanced, the crystal will change color, and you will begin to generatethe lower mana at half of the normal rate.

Once you have accumulated 50 Black Mana and 50 White Mana, you can begin your melee combo.Your melee combo for one or two targets begins with three weaponskills: Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (24) Enchanted Riposte,Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (25) Enchanted Zwerchhau, and Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (26) Enchanted Redoublement. For threeor more targets: Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (27) Enchanted Moulinet, Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (28) Enchanted Moulinet Deux, andRed Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (29) Enchanted Moulinet Trois. Each of these weaponskills consume Black and White Mana andgive you a Mana Stack, shown at the bottom of the job gauge. Upon gaining three Mana Stacks, you can use your finishers:Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (30) Verflare or Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (31) Verholy, Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (32) Scorch, and Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (33) Resolution.Casting Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (34) Verflare generates Black Mana, and casting Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (35) Verholy generates White Mana.Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (36) Scorch and Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (37) Resolution generate both Black and White Mana.


Red Mage Actions

Action Name
  • Cast
  • Recast
  • Range
  • Radius
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (38) Enchanted Riposte Lv. 1
  • Instant
  • 1.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300.Additional Effect: Grants a Mana StackBalance Gauge Cost: 20 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 20 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Riposte changes to Enchanted Riposte when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (39) Riposte Lv. 1
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.Action upgraded to Enchanted Riposte if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 20 or more.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (40) Jolt Lv. 2
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 200.0

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 2
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (41) Verthunder Lv. 4
  • 5.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 300.0

Deals lightning damage with a potency of 360.Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 6Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verfire ReadyDuration: 30s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (42) Corps-a-corps Lv. 6
  • Instant
  • 35.0s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 130.Maximum Charges: 2Cannot be executed while bound.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (43) Veraero Lv. 10
  • 5.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 300.0

Deals wind damage with a potency of 360.Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 6Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verstone ReadyDuration: 30s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (44) Scatter Lv. 15
  • 5.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it.Acceleration Potency: 170Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (45) Verthunder II Lv. 18
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals lightning damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 7
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (46) Veraero II Lv. 22
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals wind damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 7
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (47) Verfire Lv. 26
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 200.0

Deals fire damage with a potency of 380.Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 5Can only be executed while Verfire Ready is active.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (48) Verstone Lv. 30
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 200.0

Deals earth damage with a potency of 380.Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 5Can only be executed while Verstone Ready is active.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (49) Enchanted Zwerchhau Lv. 35
  • Instant
  • 1.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.Combo Action: Riposte or Enchanted RiposteCombo Potency: 360Additional Effect: Grants a Mana StackBalance Gauge Cost: 15 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Zwerchhau changes to Enchanted Zwerchhau when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (50) Zwerchhau Lv. 35
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.Combo Action: Riposte or Enchanted RiposteCombo Potency: 150Action upgraded to Enchanted Zwerchhau if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 15 or more.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (51) Displacement Lv. 40
  • Instant
  • 35.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 180.Additional Effect: 15-yalm backstepMaximum Charges: 2Cannot be executed while bound.Shares a recast timer with Engagement.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (52) Engagement Lv. 40
  • Instant
  • 35.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 180.Maximum Charges: 2Shares a recast timer with Displacement.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (53) Fleche Lv. 45
  • Instant
  • 25.0s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 480.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (54) Acceleration Lv. 50
  • Instant
  • 55.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Ensures the next Verthunder III, Veraero III, or Impact can be cast immediately.Duration: 20sAdditional Effect: Increases the potency of Impact by 50Additional Effect: Ensures Verthunder III and Veraero III trigger Verfire Ready or Verstone Ready respectivelyAdditional Effect: Grants Grand Impact ReadyDuration: 30sMaximum Charges: 2
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (55) Enchanted Redoublement Lv. 50
  • Instant
  • 2.2s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170.Combo Action: Enchanted ZwerchhauCombo Potency: 540Additional Effect: Grants a Mana StackBalance Gauge Cost: 15 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Redoublement changes to Enchanted Redoublement when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (56) Redoublement Lv. 50
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.Combo Action: Zwerchhau or Enchanted ZwerchhauCombo Potency: 230Action upgraded to Enchanted Redoublement if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 15 or more.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (57) Enchanted Moulinet Lv. 52
  • Instant
  • 1.5s
  • ↔ 8y
  • 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a cone before you.Additional Effect: Grants a Mana StackBalance Gauge Cost: 20 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 20 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Moulinet changes to Enchanted Moulinet when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (58) Enchanted Moulinet Deux Lv. 52
  • Instant
  • 1.5s
  • ↔ 8y
  • 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone before you.Combo Action: Enchanted MoulinetAdditional Effect: Grants a Mana StackBalance Gauge Cost: 15 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Enchanted Moulinet changes to Enchanted Moulinet Deux when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (59) Enchanted Moulinet Trois Lv. 52
  • Instant
  • 1.5s
  • ↔ 8y
  • 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 to all enemies in a cone before you.Combo Action: Enchanted Moulinet DeuxAdditional Effect: Grants a Mana StackBalance Gauge Cost: 15 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 15 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Enchanted Moulinet Deux changes to Enchanted Moulinet Trois when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (60) Moulinet Lv. 52
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 8y
  • 8y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 60 to all enemies in a cone before you.Action upgraded to Enchanted Moulinet if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 20 or more.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (61) Vercure Lv. 54
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 30y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 500.0

Restores target's HP.Cure Potency: 350
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (62) Contre Sixte Lv. 56
  • Instant
  • 45.0s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 6y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 420 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (63) Embolden Lv. 58
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 30y
Increases own magic damage dealt by 5% and damage dealt by nearby party members by 5%.Duration: 20sAdditional Effect: Grants Thorned FlourishDuration: 30s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (64) Manafication Lv. 60
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Grants 3 stacks of Magicked Swordplay, each stack allowing the use of Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement, Enchanted Moulinet, Enchanted Moulinet Deux, or Enchanted Moulinet Trois without cost.Duration: 30sAdditional Effect: Grants 6 stacks of ManaficationManafication Effect: Increases magic damage dealt by 5%Duration: 30sAdditional Effect: Grants Prefulgence Ready upon consuming 6 stacks of ManaficationDuration: 30sAll combos are canceled upon execution of Manafication.Can only be executed while in combat.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (65) Jolt II Lv. 62
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 200.0

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 280.Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 2
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (66) Verraise Lv. 64
  • 10.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 30y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 2400.0

Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (67) Impact Lv. 66
  • 5.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 210 to target and all enemies nearby it.Acceleration Potency: 260Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (68) Verflare Lv. 68
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 620 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 11Additional Effect: 20% chance of becoming Verfire ReadyDuration: 30sChance to become Verfire Ready increases to 100% if White Mana is higher than Black Mana at time of execution.Mana Stack Cost: 3※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.※Verthunder III and Verthunder II change to Verflare when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (69) Verholy Lv. 70
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 620 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 11Additional Effect: 20% chance of becoming Verstone ReadyDuration: 30sChance to become Verstone Ready increases to 100% if Black Mana is higher than White Mana at time of execution.Mana Stack Cost: 3※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.※Veraero III and Veraero II change to Verholy when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (70) Enchanted Reprise Lv. 76
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 420.Balance Gauge Cost: 5 Black ManaBalance Gauge Cost: 5 White Mana※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Reprise changes to Enchanted Reprise when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (71) Reprise Lv. 76
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.Action upgraded to Enchanted Reprise if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 5 or more.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (72) Scorch Lv. 80
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Combo Action: Verflare or VerholyAdditional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 4Can only be executed after successfully landing Verflare or Verholy as a combo action.※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.※Jolt III and Impact change to Scorch when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (73) Veraero III Lv. 82
  • 5.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 300.0

Deals wind damage with a potency of 440.Additional Effect: Increases White Mana by 6Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verstone ReadyDuration: 30s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (74) Verthunder III Lv. 82
  • 5.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 300.0

Deals lightning damage with a potency of 440.Additional Effect: Increases Black Mana by 6Additional Effect: 50% chance of becoming Verfire ReadyDuration: 30s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (75) Jolt III Lv. 84
  • 2.0s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y

MP Cost: 200.0

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 360.Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 2
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (76) Magick Barrier Lv. 86
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 30y
Reduces magic damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%, while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 5%.Duration: 10s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (77) Resolution Lv. 90
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 25y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Combo Action: ScorchAdditional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 4Can only be executed after successfully landing Scorch as a combo action.※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Scorch changes to Resolution when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (78) Vice of Thorns Lv. 92
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Can only be executed while under the effect of Thorned Flourish.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (79) Grand Impact Lv. 96
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 400.0

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Additional Effect: Increases both Black Mana and White Mana by 3Can only be executed while under the effect of Grand Impact Ready.※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Jolt III and Impact change to Grand Impact when requirements for execution are met.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (80) Prefulgence Lv. 100
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 5y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 900 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.Can only be executed while under the effect of Prefulgence Ready.※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.Manafication changes to Prefulgence when requirements for execution are met.


Role Actions

Action Name
  • Cast
  • Recast
  • Range
  • Radius
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (81) Addle Lv. 8
  • Instant
  • 90.0s
  • ↔ 25y
  • 0y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10%.Duration: 15s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (82) Sleep Lv. 10
  • 2.5s
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 30y
  • 5y

MP Cost: 800.0

Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep.Duration: 30sCancels auto-attack upon execution.
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (83) Lucid Dreaming Lv. 14
  • Instant
  • 60.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Gradually restores own MP.Potency: 55Duration: 21s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (84) Swiftcast Lv. 18
  • Instant
  • 60.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Next spell is cast immediately.Duration: 10s
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (85) Surecast Lv. 44
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Spells can be cast without interruption.Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effectsDuration: 6s


Red Mage Traits

Action NameAcquiredEffect
Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (86) Dualcast Lv. 1

Grants the effect of Dualcast upon casting any spell with a cast time. While under the effect of Dualcast, your next spell will require no time to cast. Effect is canceled upon execution of any action other than an ability. Auto-attacks do not cancel effect.

Duration: 15s

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (87) Maim and Mend Lv. 20

Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (88) Maim and Mend II Lv. 40

Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (89) Enhanced Jolt Lv. 62

Upgrades Jolt to Jolt II. Also increases the potency of Verthunder and Veraero to 360, and the potency of Verfire and Verstone to 300.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (90) Scatter Mastery Lv. 66

Upgrades Scatter to Impact.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (91) Mana Stack Lv. 68

Adds a Mana Stack to your Balance Gauge upon landing Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement, Enchanted Moulinet, Enchanted Moulinet Deux, or Enchanted Moulinet Trois, up to a maximum of 3.

Upon gaining 3 Mana Stacks, Verthunder and Verthunder II are upgraded to Verflare.

Upon learning Verholy, gaining 3 Mana Stacks also upgrades Veraero and Veraero II to Verholy.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (92) Enhanced Displacement Lv. 72

Increases Displacement and Engagement potency to 180.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (93) Red Magic Mastery Lv. 74

Reduces Contre Sixte recast timer to 35 seconds and increases the potency of both Verthunder II and Veraero II to 120.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (94) Enhanced Manafication Lv. 78

Reduces Manafication recast timer to 110 seconds and adds an additional effect that increases magic damage dealt by 5%.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (95) Red Magic Mastery II Lv. 82

Upgrades Verthunder to Verthunder III and Veraero to Veraero III.

Upon gaining 3 Mana Stacks, Verthunder III is upgraded to Verflare and Veraero III is upgraded to Verholy.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (96) Red Magic Mastery III Lv. 84

Upgrades Jolt II to Jolt III. Also increases the potency of Enchanted Riposte to 280, Verthunder II to 140, Veraero II to 140, Verfire to 340, Verstone to 340, Enchanted Zwerchhau to 150, Enchanted Redoublement to 130, Impact to 210, and Enchanted Reprise to 340.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (97) Enhanced Acceleration Lv. 88

Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Acceleration.

Maximum Charges: 2

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (98) Enhanced Manafication II Lv. 90

Increases maximum stacks of Manafication to 6.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (99) Enhanced Embolden Lv. 92

Grants Thorned Flourish upon executing Embolden.

Duration: 30s

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (100) Enchanted Blade Mastery Lv. 94

Increases the potency of Enchanted Riposte to 300, Verfire to 380, Verstone to 380, Enchanted Zwerchhau to 170, Fleche to 480, Enchanted Redoublement to 170, Contre Sixte to 420, Verflare to 620, Verholy to 620, Enchanted Reprise to 420, Scorch to 700, Veraero III to 440, Verthunder III to 440, and Resolution to 800.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (101) Enhanced Swiftcast Lv. 94

Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (102) Enhanced Acceleration II Lv. 96

Grants Grand Impact Ready upon executing Acceleration.

Duration: 30s

Jolt III and Impact change to Grand Impact while under the effect of Grand Impact Ready.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (103) Enhanced Addle Lv. 98

Extends the duration of Addle to 15 seconds.

Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (104) Enhanced Manafication III Lv. 100

Grants Prefulgence Ready upon consuming all stacks of Manafication.

Duration: 30s

Manafication changes to Prefulgence while under the effect of Prefulgence Ready.


Red Mage Lore

On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.

It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guidedthem away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gatheredfrom near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.

These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast asidetheir vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline wasbuilt, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back againstthe rising tides of destruction.



  • 22 Aug. 2024 (gear page): Updated for Patch 7.05.
  • 04 Jul. 2024 (Leveling page): Reviewed for Patch 7.0.
  • 03 Jul. 2024 (rotation page): Updated for Patch 7.0.
  • 03 Jul. 2024 (this page): Updated for Patch 7.0.
  • 20 May 2024 (job changes): Updated with Dawntrail trailer and live letter information.
  • 22 Apr. 2024 (keybindings page): Page added.
  • 20 Jan. 2024 (how to improve page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55.
  • 20 Jan. 2024 (rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55.
  • 20 Jan. 2024 (Leveling page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55.
  • 20 Jan. 2024 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55.
  • 20 Jan. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55.
  • 19 Jan. 2024 (gear page): Updated for Patch 6.55.
  • 05 Oct. 2023 (how to improve page): Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 05 Oct. 2023 (rotation page): Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 05 Oct. 2023 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 05 Oct. 2023 (gear page): Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 05 Oct. 2023 (melding page): Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 05 Oct. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 20 Jul. 2023 (gear page): Updated for Patch 6.45.
  • 20 Jul. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 6.45.
  • 28 May 2023 (how to improve page): Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 28 May 2023 (rotation page): Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 28 May 2023 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 28 May 2023 (gear page): Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 28 May 2023 (melding page): Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 28 May 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 14 Jan. 2023 (how to improve page): Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 14 Jan. 2023 (rotation page): Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 14 Jan. 2023 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 14 Jan. 2023 (gear page): Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 14 Jan. 2023 (melding page): Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 14 Jan. 2023 (this page): Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 20 Apr. 2022 (how to improve page): Updated for Patch 6.1.
  • 20 Apr. 2022 (rotation page): Updated for Patch 6.1.
  • 20 Apr. 2022 (gear page): Updated for Patch 6.1.
  • 20 Apr. 2022 (melding page): Updated for Patch 6.1.
  • 20 Apr. 2022 (this page): Updated for Patch 6.1.
  • 03 Apr. 2022 (Leveling page): Guide added.
  • 15 Feb. 2022 (how to improve page): Guide added.
  • 14 Feb. 2022 (rotation page): Guide added.
  • 14 Feb. 2022 (gear page): Guide added.
  • 14 Feb. 2022 (melding page): Guide added.
  • 14 Feb. 2022 (this page): Guide added.
  • 19 Dec. 2021 (job changes): Page added.

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Red Mage Job Guide for FFXIV - Dawntrail 7.0 (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.